May 10, 2021
Hungary's National Hydrogen Strategy, released in May 2021, outlines the country's ambition to establish a hydrogen economy, focusing on green hydrogen production and its utilization for industrial decarbonisation and green transportation. By 2030, the strategy aims for a production of 36,000 tons/year of hydrogen, its use in reducing industrial CO2 emissions, and the establishment of at least 20 hydrogen refuelling stations for transportation.
Hungary's National Hydrogen Strategy (May 2021)
Vision and Target System: The strategy aims to establish a hydrogen economy in Hungary, contributing to decarbonisation goals. It focuses on "green" hydrogen, primarily from renewable sources like solar energy, but also considers hydrogen from carbon-free energy sources, including nuclear. The vision is to develop competencies in the hydrogen value chain, promoting a shift towards a carbon-free society and maintaining the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy.
Action Plan:
Production: By 2030, Hungary aims to produce 36,000 tons/year of both "green" and low-carbon hydrogen, with a 240 MW electrolyser capacity.
Industrial Decarbonisation: By 2030, 24,000 tons/year of hydrogen will be used for industrial applications, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 95 thousand tons/year.
Green Transportation: The strategy focuses on transitioning to clean transportation methods, especially for heavy-duty vehicles. By 2030, 10,000 tons/year of "green" hydrogen will be used for transportation, with the establishment of at least 20 hydrogen refuelling stations.
Electricity and Natural Gas Support Infrastructure: The strategy emphasizes building sector integration, primarily for seasonal energy storage, utilizing intersectoral synergy. This includes creating a down-regulation capacity of at least 60 MW and enabling a volume blending ratio of 2% in the natural gas system.
Implementation and Beyond 2030: The strategy outlines measures for the implementation phase and provides a vision beyond 2030, emphasizing the importance of research, development, and international collaborations.
Other Key Points: The strategy discusses the potential establishment of hydrogen valleys in Hungary, the promotion of hydrogen in transportation (buses, trucks, trains, and water transportation), and the significance of electricity and natural gas support infrastructure.
This document provides a comprehensive roadmap for Hungary's transition to a hydrogen-based economy, emphasizing the importance of green hydrogen, industrial decarbonisation, and the development of a robust hydrogen infrastructure.
Read the strategy here: