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Belgian federal Hydrogen Strategy

Oct 3, 2022

The federal hydrogen strategy aims to prepare Belgium for the climate challenges, alongside the technological, political and economical challenges of the coming decades. This strategy is based on 4 pillars.

Summary of Belgium's Hydrogen Strategy:

  • Climate Change & Energy Transition: Europe aims to reduce greenhouse gases by 55% by 2030 and become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Belgium's energy demand surpasses its renewable energy production, necessitating reliance on imports, including H2-molecules and H2-derivatives.

  • Sectors for H2 Deployment: By 2050, Belgium identifies four sectors for renewable H2-molecule and H2-derivative use:

    1. Industry and heavy transport (initial demand drivers).

    2. Power sector (for flexibility and periods with low renewable generation).

    3. Building sector (potential long-term reliance).

    4. Expected domestic demand for H2-molecules and H2-derivatives will be 125-200 TWh/year by 2050.

  • Renewable Energy Focus: Only renewable energy will be part of the 2050 energy mix. Fossil production with reduced GHG emissions can serve as a transitional solution.

  • European Union & Hydrogen: Despite EU's ambitions for hydrogen, Belgium's electrolysis capacity will remain limited due to local renewable energy constraints. However, Belgium is committed to expanding renewable energy sources and prioritizes decarbonizing electricity and further electrifying energy needs.

Federal Hydrogen Strategy Pillars:

  1. Positioning Belgium as an Import & Transit Hub: Belgium aims to be a hub for renewable molecules in Western Europe, importing significant quantities of renewable H2-molecules and H2-derivatives. Three major import routes are identified: North Sea route, Southern route, and the shipping route. Collaborations have started with countries like Oman and Namibia.

  2. Expanding Belgian Leadership in Hydrogen Technologies: Belgium aims to strengthen its position in H2 technologies. The government adjusts R&D instruments and invests in a test facility for scaling up hydrogen technologies.

  3. Establishing a Robust Hydrogen Market: A robust market for H2-molecules is essential. The government believes in supporting demand for the right vector in the right sector. A hydrogen transport network is crucial, with plans to interconnect with Germany by 2028. The government also supports the European Commission's initiatives on certification and hydrogen market functioning.

  4. Investing in Cooperation: Collaboration at all levels is essential for the strategy's success. The federal government seeks to collaborate with regional governments, European and international partners, and the hydrogen ecosystem. The establishment of a Belgian Hydrogen Council is also supported.

Read the strategy here:

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