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Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy

Nov 4, 2019

Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy sets a vision for a clean, innovative, safe and competitive hydrogen industry that benefits all Australians. It aims to position their industry as a major global player by 2030.

Summary of Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy:

  • In December 2018, the Council of Australian Governments Energy Council envisioned a thriving hydrogen industry by 2030. To achieve this, a Hydrogen Working Group was established, led by Dr. Alan Finkel, to craft a National Hydrogen Strategy.

  • Australia is poised to capitalize on the growing global demand for clean hydrogen, potentially becoming a major energy exporter. This could lead to thousands of jobs, significant economic growth until 2050, increased renewable generation, reduced fuel imports, and decreased carbon emissions both domestically and globally.

  • The Strategy is adaptive, aiming to eliminate market barriers, stimulate supply and demand, and enhance Australia's global competitiveness. This approach ensures Australia can upscale rapidly as markets evolve.

  • A central component of the strategy is the development of hydrogen hubs. These hubs, located in various strategic areas, will drive cost-effective infrastructure development, promote innovation, and harness economies of scale. Alongside these hubs, early initiatives will incorporate hydrogen into transport, industry, electricity systems, and gas networks.

  • Australia aims to establish robust regulatory frameworks, influence energy prices positively, and ensure energy security. Internationally, Australia plans to collaborate with other nations to track and certify the origins of traded clean hydrogen, aiming to shape global markets.

  • The strategy emphasizes community safety, ensuring that the growth of the hydrogen industry does not compromise safety standards, water availability, environmental sustainability, or the cost of living.

  • To ensure the strategy's effectiveness, progress will be measured against specific indicators, such as Australia becoming a top supplier to the Asian market and maintaining a stellar safety record.

  • The Strategy is a result of extensive research, expert consultations, and public feedback. It's intended to be a dynamic document, updated as the industry evolves.

  • In total, the Strategy outlines 57 joint actions, centered around various themes like national coordination, production capacity, regulation, international engagement, R&D, workforce development, and community confidence.

  • The success of this strategy hinges on collaboration between government, industry, and the research community. The overarching goal is to harness the potential of hydrogen for the benefit of the economy, society, and the environment by 2030 and beyond.

Read the strategy here:

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