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State of the States: Fuel Cells in America 2017

Jan 24, 2018

Fuel cells are part of a portfolio of technologies that can enable energy security, resiliency and economic growth through a number of applications across sectors. As research and development (R&D) continues to help drive down cost and improve performance, States and the private sector have been deploying fuel cells in stationary, transportation, and portable power applications, helping to achieve economies of scale in this emerging industry. Despite the primary challenge of cost, fuel cells offer a number of benefits.

More than Power:


The fuel cell and hydrogen industry is taking root around the world in a variety of market sectors, leading to opportunities for the United States (U.S.) to grow jobs, manufacturing capability and energy production here at home, while expanding interna- tional exports. Many of the world’s largest fuel cell companies are based in the U.S., and they continue to design and manufacture their products in the U.S. Their products are utilized not only in the U.S., but also overseas, with several manufacturers exporting nearly 70% of their products to Asia and Europe.

States see the potential of the industry and some are supporting business development for new and expand- ing innovative fuel cell and hydrogen companies. As the industry expands, so does employment, adding to economic growth in the state through job creation, tax revenues and investment.

Fuel cells also deliver benefits to states that are encouraging their adoption.

  • emissions reductions in the transport and power generation sectors;

  • reliable power generation in the face of extreme weather; and

  • highly efficient power generation, which can include capturing waste heat for energy production to provide heating, cooling, and hot water.

    As customers (both corporate and municipal) take advantage of these policies and incentives, energy generation is diversified – using home-grown energy – and we all experience the multitude of benefits that fuel cells offer.

View the report here:

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