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Slovakia National Hydrogen Strategy

Jun 10, 2021

The "National Hydrogen Strategy: Ready for the Future" outlines Slovakia's vision and approach to integrating hydrogen technologies in line with European Union (EU) developments.

The "National Hydrogen Strategy: Ready for the Future" outlines Slovakia's vision and approach to integrating hydrogen technologies in line with European Union (EU) developments. The strategy emphasizes:

  1. Preamble: The strategy aims to enhance the competitiveness of the Slovak economy and achieve carbon neutrality in alignment with the Paris Agreement, the European Green Deal, and other EU strategic documents. By 2030, the EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55%.

  2. Baseline: Hydrogen is viewed as a fundamental component of the future economy, especially in the production of various chemicals. Slovakia has shown commitment to the European Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate-Neutral Europe.

  3. Hydrogen Mission: The EU member states are investing in hydrogen production technologies. Cumulative investments in green hydrogen production in Europe could reach up to EUR 470 billion by 2050. Green hydrogen could potentially meet 24% of the world's energy demand by 2050.

  4. Definition of Hydrogen: Hydrogen is classified based on its production method: Grey Hydrogen (from fossil fuels), Blue Hydrogen (from fossil fuels with CO2 capture or from low-carbon energy sources), and Green Hydrogen (from water electrolysis using renewable energy).

  5. Hydrogen Usage: Hydrogen is versatile, serving as an energy carrier and raw material in various industries. It can decarbonize sectors where other carbon-neutral technologies might not be feasible or cost-effective.

  6. Usage in Chemical and Petrochemical Industry: Hydrogen is a vital raw material in the chemical industry. Currently, most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, leading to significant CO2 emissions.

  7. Usage in Steel Industry: The steel and metallurgical industries are significant contributors to CO2 emissions in Slovakia. Hydrogen can replace blast furnace technologies in metallurgical processes, reducing emissions.

  8. Usage in Gas Industry: The strategy envisions using the existing natural gas transmission and distribution grids for hydrogen transportation and storage. The government plans to explore technological modifications to these networks to accommodate hydrogen.

The strategy concludes with Slovakia's commitment to work in tandem with the EU's goals, emphasizing research, development, and innovation to ensure competitiveness in the hydrogen market. The country aims to be self-sufficient in hydrogen production and to align its priorities with the updated Strategy for Smart Specialisation for Research and Innovations for 2021-2027.

Read the strategy here:

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