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Draft Roadmap for production and use of hydrogen in Ukraine

Mar 3, 2021

This document provides a comprehensive overview of Ukraine's vision for hydrogen's role in its energy future, emphasizing its potential benefits, challenges, and the need for regulatory and technological advancements.

The "Draft Roadmap for production and use of hydrogen in Ukraine" from March 2021 outlines Ukraine's strategic vision for the integration of hydrogen technologies to support its energy transition over the next 30 years. Key points from the document include:

  1. Energy Transition: Ukraine's energy transition is a strategic choice that will shape the nation's economic development trends for the next three decades. The challenges include reducing dependence on fossil fuels, decarbonizing industries, enhancing energy efficiency, and integrating renewable energy sources.

  2. Role of Hydrogen: Hydrogen technologies, due to their unique properties as an energy carrier, are seen as pivotal. They can help decarbonize the energy sector, transport, and various industries. This will lead to strengthened intersectoral ties, increased innovation, new job opportunities, and improved investment climate.

  3. Potential in Ukraine: Given Ukraine's abundant renewable resources, the development of renewable hydrogen projects presents a significant investment opportunity. The goal is to ensure that alternative fuels are zero-emission, affordable, and convenient.

  4. Challenges: Hydrogen technologies come with challenges, including containment, safety, and regulatory issues. The knowledge around hydrogen needs to be more widely disseminated as these new applications gain traction.

  5. Regulatory Barriers: One significant barrier is the outdated and non-harmonized regulatory and technical safety regulations in Ukraine. There's also a lack of awareness among businesses about the potential applications of hydrogen.

  6. Carbon-Neutral Hydrogen: Ukraine needs to prioritize the production of carbon-neutral (green) hydrogen. Other forms of hydrogen technologies should be considered mainly in a transition period.

  7. Roadmap's Purpose: The Roadmap, supported by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), aims to highlight areas where hydrogen technologies could provide solutions for Ukraine's energy challenges. It also addresses implementation challenges and knowledge gaps.

  8. Core Areas of Interest: The Roadmap classifies potential uses of hydrogen into three core areas: hydrogen for electricity and heat generation, hydrogen for mobility, and hydrogen for industry.

  9. International Practices: The European practice of using hydrogen focuses on both ecological and technological aspects. Europe is transitioning to a decarbonized energy system, and hydrogen plays a crucial role in this transition.

This document provides a comprehensive overview of Ukraine's vision for hydrogen's role in its energy future, emphasizing its potential benefits, challenges, and the need for regulatory and technological advancements.

Read the roadmap here:

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