Hydrogen Policy Leaders Convention
First Annual
Convening USHA's Members &
Policy Leaders Roundtable
Hydrogen Policy Panels + Technology Expo + Networking

November 14-16, 2022

USHA Member Benefits
USHA Member Registration
This event brings together USHA member companies and elected hydrogen leaders from across the country that are members of USHA's Hydrogen Policy Leaders Roundtable.
This 3-day event provides the opportunity for our national alliance to come together to build the policy framework for the upcoming year that will shape the hydrogen economy. This is an exclusive event that will foster new and deepen relationships between industry members and elected leaders that will serve to advance the energy transition to include hydrogen and fuel cells throughout the country.
The nearest airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Group rate at The Element Hotel. Those who RSVP will receive a code.

Sponsorship Opportunities
The U.S. Hydrogen Alliance's First Annual Hydrogen Policy Leaders Convention brings together USHA members and policy leaders to discuss key policy subject areas to advance the hydrogen economy. This convention is a unique opportunity to engage and build relationships with policy makers across the U.S. Participation of industry executives is highly recommended.
Platinum Level
(Only 2 Available)
Featured speaker at dinner reception
Additional three event registrations
Logo with company video and link on event web page
Company shout-out and logo in all session introductions
Logo in all event emails to participants
Logo on event signage
Full-page ad in program book
Company booth
Company swag material included in event bag
Gold Level
(Only 2 Available)
Featured speaker at lunch session
Additional two event registrations
Logo on event web page
Company shout-out and logo in all session introductions
Logo in all event emails to participants
Logo on event signage
Half-page ad in program book
Company booth
Company swag material included in event bag
Silver Level
(Only 2 Available)
Featured speaker at breakfast session
Additional one event registration
Logo on event web page
Logo in event emails to participants
Quarter-page ad in program book
Company booth
Company swag material included in event bag
Bronze Level
Additional one event registration
Logo on event web page
Logo in event emails to participants
Company booth
Company swag material included in event bag
Copper Level
Company booth
Company swag material included in event bag
Tentative Program


In this photo: Utah State Representative Melissa Ballard, Jessica Elwell of OxEon, Sarah Hunt of Rainey Center, and Roxana Bekemohammadi of USHA.